Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The NEW present distress COVID-19

Not sure how to say this but need to say something. These are definitely different times we are facing and I am sure I would feel differently if I lived a different lifestyle. I really don’t understand the hysteria that is accompanying this ‘pandemic virus’. I know that it is because of this very platform, ‘social media’ that has caused this mass hysteria. I’m not totally sure why people feel the need to purchase large quantities of unrelated products for a respiratory virus? What are you going to do with a trunk full of ground beef? I don’t think this is ‘Mad Cow’ related. I kinda get the hand sanitizer but I wonder if this too will pass, remember the days after 9/11 everyone had an American flag on them; cars, clothes, houses and tattoos, flags everywhere you looked. Now where are they? Will people stop washing their hands in a few months? What were they doing last week? Not washing? But what concerns me the most is what is going to be the new normal? Technology has and will allow people to take school courses or work from home. Prepared food delivery (bite-squad etc.) and product delivery (amazon) services have already begun to rise. In home entertainment; NetFlix, Hulu Disney have made the movie theaters almost obsolete. As a society we have already begun ‘SOCIAL DISTANCING’ and now the authorities are encouraging it even forcing and legislating it, removing our right to assemble by threatening fines and imprisonment for willingly assembling in groups greater than…(insert arbitrary number).

I do understand and agree that people in high risk age groups and with compromised immune systems need to take great precautions to keep themselves as healthy as possible. And I get it that self-quarantining because of your recent contact may be the best preventative method. I know that while we can jest about this, that it is a real thing and if its spread can be slowed down so healthcare workers can get a firm grip on prevention and treatment, then that is what needs to be done.
My concern is what is going to become the new normal? I remember a few years ago when fuel prices climbed extremely high and having a conversation with a man from church. He said that with the rising gas prices he needed to cut back, his first thought was to quit going to church so he could save the gas that it took to get there. Not that he was going to stop going out to eat or quit the gym, he was going to stop going to church. Unfortunately many are going to forego attending worship services because of this recent calamity as well. Which can be damaging to their spirituality. First people will say they are going to stay away for the good of everyone else, then they stay away because they fear for themselves, then they stay away because they are unsure and then it has become a habit and they stay away because it is easier.

This present distress brings more questions than answers. What do we do? Do we shut down and hole-up? What do we stop doing? The authorities shutting down the bars doesn’t affect me, shutting down the NBA doesn’t bother me, closing my workplace because there are more than 50 people there…that affects me, imposing fines and imprisonment because I go to church that really affects me! BUT IT WON’T STOP ME. Believe me I can do social distancing, not a biggie! I’ll stop the gym, I’ll stop eating out, I’ll stop going to the movies, the mall, bowling and concerts. But I need my Christian family! I need them to hold up my arms just as they need me to hold up theirs.
When it’s all said and done we each one will have to answer for ourselves that is a guarantee. Revelation 2:4 But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Let this not be said of us!

I have no answers. We each need to do what we think is best for our families and ourselves.

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