Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Well...change of plans

      So, I  originally intended to build a teardrop camper for my wife and I to use camping. Stepping up from a soft sided tent to a hard sided tent essentially. Of course this news got out and some of my friends got interested in this idea as well.
      A group of us went camping last fall and one of our group had a nice 24 or 26 foot travel trailer, a bunch of us had tents, some had hammocks in the trees. But one family had a little box type teardrop trailer. Just a basic one, no galley or anything a mattress, some shelves, some lights and an AC.
I thought cool! This is sort what I am thinking about. Of course mine was going to have a galley and lights and bells and whistles....
     But as I watched them camp...I thought how does he put his pants on in there? Then I thought how would I put my pants on in there? So, I asked my wife, how would she put her pants on in there? No problem I hadn't gotten far on the homemade one we'll adjust the plans. So to the interwebs I go...looking and looking for a reasonable solution to this problem. Found it! make the ceiling a little higher and have the bed fold up like a couch to give more space! Still not standing but not laying down either. We saw several that people made and even several manufactured that way! Off to the dealer! Look the T@bs are made that way! You can stand to dress and wait it even has a potty. My wife said it would be nice to stand and maybe even kinda nice to have a potty to not have to walk down the campground at 2am to pee.


I hadn't thought about incorporating a potty into my design! But someone had..enter SunCoast manufacturing. They have a bunch of lightweight towables in a bunch of different styles. A box with wheels and a mattress, then add a kitchen, then a potty, then a dinette table, and a shower and, and , and, and!

We settled on a Sunray 149

We figured I would never have the time to finish the teardrop and it would never be anything close to what we got in the camper. Now we just need to get in it and go!

Of course there have been some hiccups..unfortunately the old Jeep just isn't up to towing it so we need to get a different tow vehicle. And we needed to make the shop door bigger so we could get it in there... but!

It fits!

Stay tuned for more adventures!

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